MEmOry CoNtEMplaTioNResident:chengyao Age:18 Do You Know Abt Me: I am still searching for the thing that i have been looking for... Bdae:12/oct/1987 Zodiac Sign:Libra Want to scold Location:Singapore, Taiwan Current doing:feeding myself as a pig Schools:Ngee Ann Polytechnic--Chinese Studies Addicted:ASOS-xiao s, Mayday-Ah shin ![]() it simply tells everything of my memorable times in EVSS...thanks those who played important roles in my sec sch life... ARCHIVES: |
- | Wednesday, May 18, 2005 | -
WENT to watch xiaohan school, victoria junior college, choir concert at esplanade wif xiuhui n bingrong!!! mid-aged man v.s angela zhang it's actually juz a fuss made on my way to cityhall... coz it was peak hours so the train was reali full of commuters n all the ppl sitting on the bench were like squeezing themsleves so as for all the seats to be occupied, dun know is it coz an extra person obstinately squeeze into the human row or there were one or two more persons fatter than me (i wont say its my fault anyway)... i felt expecially crowded than usual... a man, mid-aged, officeman in a suit wif a briefcase in his hand, dress in a very formal or rather "office" wear, a lil bit bald, can smell a bit after-shave frm his body ( crowded).... was listening i-pod... it's ok or normal for a man to listen i-pod... but it's a totally converse if he is listening a song "ou ruo la" by zhang shao han.... of coz a man, mid-aged n mature man, can listen zhang shao han's song... n even get fascinated by her... (he listened the song repeat n repeat...) but i juz felt a bit... dun know how to describe my feeling properly... dun feel tat a man should be placed beside the singer like zhang shao han... if today he listen songs of sum singers like zhang xue you, liu de hua n so on... i wont be so fussy n...yah... i might say he is juz in nostalgia... but now he is listening zhang shao han... it made me recall sth i heard in the past... those mid-aged man whose heart is actually very vulnerable... coz they were nt young anymore... they cant compete wif those young men in sports like the past... they especially feel self-inferior towards youngsters n young gals... so they will try to show off watevea they hav in front of the girls... to gain their admiring attention as well as confidence!!! n generaly, those young girls r easily getting fascinated by those "mature" men in their eyes... tats why it's very common tat many young office ladies "gao3" up (in relationship) wif their male boss... anyway, it's juz a daily grumble as wat i mentioned juz now...... impressive concert met up wif xiuhui n bingrong, dined in bk n bought a bouguet of flowers for xiaohan... yifeng was there oso but we were extremly too late so din bother to find him... no reception in the concert hall oso... the reception personel was giving us an unbearable look... the performance is reali very impressive... no wonder they can represnt singapore to german for choir olympic n won a championship (forgot is champion or wat...) was noticing every action xiaohan did so din bother much abt their performance in the first half part... the guy standing besides her looks quite handsome but was doing sum exggerated actions all the way... wondered if he is trying to seek more attentions or wat... but he was smiling brightly when stand beside xiaohan... dun know wat was yifeng feeling by then... haha... xiaohan looks veri beutiful tat day... n soooo many chio bu in vj... no wonder qiaoqiao... hahaha... based on xiaohan info, she is nt in choir... the seating arrangement of us is quite a bit weird... we sit facing the back of the front person... but the stage is in the 10 o'clock direction frm us... it's like we sit in the past train... n look out of the window like tat... can u imagine?? utill the last half part, they changed to chong-san n qi-pao n sung chinese songs (finally i can hardly understand wat their lyrics r...) xiaohan worn a pink qi-pao... the atten-seeker was in a red (it's hard to nt fix ur eyes on him... plus i hav to look at the xiaohan besides him) for first time i felt the charm of choir... the coherence of diff pitch of voices reali made me goose bumps... impressingly fantastic... u can hear the diff of each note but it's nt perplexed or wat... their claps... filliping... n blowing sound can be mixed perfectly wif their vocal n becum soooo beutiful... it's defintely diff frm the music i heard frm muchuan, frm ah du, xingrong meilian n jianhua...... if their voices r the perfect definition of the man-made love in mordern society, the choir is more to nature... like the sounds frm mountain valleys or gorges or wat... it's purely natural... pop songs r to suit our loneliness at present days... they sing our touchingness out of our heart... but choir is purely peaceful..... no man-made mixture... the touching can only be felt when u close ur eyes n stay in a space where only u n the sounds r exist... touched.... reali very touched... they sang sum songs like "wo zhi zai hu ni" by deng li jun n sum chinese folks like "lu dao xiao ye qu"... their definition is extremely diff frm the usual songs tat the melody is built up by musical instruments... both r fantastic... but the tastes r totally diff... human sounds is an instrument itself... it reminded me of wat ah du said before... n human sounds is charming... reali.... till the end, they presented a song which they picked for the syf few month ago... it is like to perform the birds flying abt in the forest... thick forests... when the birds were like all flying up...(<---my imagination), they expressed the clapping sounds by clapping on their clothes... n it's perfectly expressed... impressed.... after performance, saw yifeng n gladys outside the concert hall... dedicated our flower to her...than we left.... tired but a meaningful day... - | Tuesday, May 17, 2005 | -
AFTERNOON... i went to meet jiahao n siping at china town mrt for the ktv session later... jiahao is first one arrived... seems he cant wait for the singing... waited for abt 30mins... dear ms siping n mr leonard came... on the way siping was guessing i would be late as USUAL (huh..???!!!)...haha... we dined at the food court near to the mrt station... wif siping n leonard ard, the topics for chatting is hardly unrelated to singing... haha...but who doesnt like singing neh?? singing meeting up wif shimei in front of the party world... found tat the party world was actually the "cha ren zhi jia" tat my sis brought me to cum last yr... the inetrior design changed a bit but can still tell it was cha ren zhi jia before... so we started having our crazy times!!!!! sung songs one by one... n ppl join one after another... after weili came, yiquan arrived... followed by songyu... i sung few songs but still nt as gd as the rest... apparently i had to practise more... the most funni moment is when xingrong arrived... as xingrong is the only muchuan singer on tat nite n he is reali a very skilled n powerful singer... so everyone was so panic when siping came down to catch xingrong... why is it so scary tat singrong cum?? the next moment i found the answer... when songyu was singing, xinrong stared at him as if he is going to eat him up like tat... haha... so r the rest... everyone is overshadowed when xingrong is here...haha... but im sure everyone had a very fun n gd time there... either thru singing or chatting or joking ard...hahaha... super n pool after tat we went for supper.... tat was 11pm plus by then... we ate sth in china twon food street... although i cldnt reali join their chatting session as i was reali ill-informed of the things in muchuan... haha... or maybe i was too young to joke ard wif the adults there...hahaha... but anyway, it's reali very fun n i did reali like the feeling tat everyone stay together... xingrong still din want to go home... so they called up ah du n jian hua whom were still in muchuan... siping suggested to go play pool... shimei weili n yiquan went home first coz they got to wake up early the next morning... (though i had to oso, but who wants go home so early??) by the time ah du n jianhua came, shimei was showing sth to jianhua n siping was like trying to block her... n it was stopped by ah du...hahaha...ah du hugged siping behind her like a sweet couple like tat... hahaha... din know wat is tat so i din know why siping was so agitated oso...haha.. anyway, after everything settled, which means jianhua saw the photo, we went for pool... songyu was going to bring us to a pool shop near to the china town food street... but based on his bro's info... the pool shop was mergered wif yam cha...haha... so we had only to a pool shop which is a bit farer... it's so fun to play pool wif xingrong n siping...etc..xingrong was like a sports channel commentator... used mixed english n hokkien to commentate the games... like "the cue ball gana block the ball number 11" or "giv the man a tiger..." like tat.. i was cracked up by his funni comments... especially when ah du play the pool, he is used to rub the front part of the cue before play, xinrong decribed every single action ah du did... n the rubbing part was described like.... (censored contents...hahaha...)..haha.. he did oso name jianhua "mr.skinny", ah du "mr pinky", coz he wear pink shirt yesterday... n i was named "mr FATTY"......... it's true anyway...haha... jianhua is such a PRO player... almost clean the table when playing wif me... i only cued twice before the game end... wah...he is reali an very accurate shooter... xingrong oso nt bad... the posture of his very accurate n standard... he said he start off his playing wif snooker... no wonder he so accurate... i guess jianhua was oso a snooker player as his pose reali like a snooker player... leonard n ah du oso nt bad... ah du n xingrong n siping juz cldnt stop joking ard... haha... talked wif songyu during the break... he was so tired but still quite talkative... there will nt be short of topics to talk wif him... haha... he is such a nice person... siping played one round wif songyu... although siping was so reluctant...haha... she still remember last tym playing pool wif yiwei n me... it's was so funni... she cloud even make the ball jump up... haha... so xingrong n jianhua gav her a quick coaching during her break... haha... ard 1 plus, when everyone is so tired out... we left... songyu siping leonard n i still share the cab as usual... tis time i was the last one to drop *sobx*... coz it's shorter to go tampinese where siping n leonard live than of simei... haha... if nt wrong, tis thurs will hav to cum out n jog wif siping n leonard... to improve lung capacity...haha... it's so fun to cum out wif ppl like them... laughter non stop... know ppl like songyu n leonard more... but the sad thing is tat I FOTGOT TO TAKE PHOTO LE.... YESTERDAY i finished my last paper of my mid-yr---science paper1!! basically all the qns r in mcq form so i din study so hard the nite before... until the morning, i was still slacking in the class...doing nth recording my msg for the test run of the internet radio yesterday... was wondering why boonhoe n ferdi r trying to make it professional... by means of doing a full schedule of our programme n asking me to sign in a slot or two... n tis morning i had to record a msg for the "audience" coz of my absence tis afternoon... (todae they told me there were only two ppl listen our station during test run...) anyway, after the last paper, all malay n chinese atudents had to stay back for a reserch test conducted by MOE... it's a waste of tym man...reali... n i was actually nt supposed to do the test as there was nt my name in the candidate list...but it's realised when the test had started, so they juz anyhow cancel an absentee's name n put my name in... they juz dun want me to leave early in prevention of distracting other ppl... tats wat i guess... after tat, i was going to leave for home...but see so many of my frens stayed back to do the classroom cleaning... so i could only stay coz of wifout any persuasive reason... we scratch off the scotch tape sticked on the floor for a math game few months ago... n clean the window... unbelievebly, the dust on the window is thick enough to flow up when i blow to it... see how dirty our class is... n it's an air-con room summore... no wonder so many students get sick over the days... before they started cleaning the table n chairs, i left as i cant take it anymore... coz i got to send sth to yimin n i was reali very tired... unlike those energetic guys, dun know how they store their energy... seems wont use up... as for the ktv session tat nite, pls check e next post... - | Sunday, May 15, 2005 | -
![]() xiaohan aileen yifeng n me...neoprint taken at PS..ppl looks more beautiful in neoprint...hav to say...hahaha... ![]() JUZ now received a quite bad new frm siping regarding meilian n xingrong their "jue dui super star" competition, third round result... to our unexpectedness, n oso quite sadly, they din make it to next round... was quite wondering two of them shouldnt be elimunated so easily...both of them r very skilled n "powerful" singer... nobody would deny it after see their performance... is it becoz the competitors tis yr very strong?? or they din bring out their best coz of sum external factors?? music is a subjective thing... maybe their style doesnt fit wif judges' taste?? who knows?? but anyway, it's a fact tat they r very gd n skilled singers, chances will definitely be in their hands one day... spent a whole day in baoguan... baoguan has a meeting wif xiuhui at 12... after i arrived, idled awhile n surf internet n chat away... until 1plus, we started doing the "right" things...prepare stuffs for the meeting later... found xiuhui is a reali very crappy gal... she oso said tat...non-stop talking de...hahaha... first time feel tat she is a super funni n talkative person... then ppl for meeting cum one after another... at 2pm plus, xiaohan arrived, we started our meeting... things tat leaders n station masters to take note has been settled... was going to see meilian n xingrong in mediacorp n giv them supports, but still got things to settle, so called up leonard n cancelled the appointment...haix... after tat, xiaohan aileen zijie n i stayed n discussed abt the games order arrangement n competition chart... it's so hard to arrange the games order especially wif only 5 groups n 7 staitons to play... 5 of the 7 stations r for 2 groups to compete... how to plan so as to make it every group can play every station n compete wif diff groups?? unavoidly, sum groups hav to either play a same station agn or compete wif same gp agn... first time found it's nt easy to plan games... we left after tat... xiaohan aileen n me went to PS n bought sum stuffs for sports day... after tat, yifeng came n we took sum neoprints then left home...while xiaohan n yifeng would still ebjoy their happy hours... remember on the way to PS, xiaohan talked to us sumthing abt her relationship... all i can say is xiaohan is a so strong gal... or maybe a person wif "backbone"... hope her relationship will stay stable for long long long time... n presently it seems tat is nt hard to achieve... for them...haha... after went home, my whole body collapse onto my bed n fell asleep... tml is my last paper, after tat i can at least be free for few days time... To boonhoe n ferdi, sori im so busy recently... i can reali nt get some time free to help u construct e internet radio station... the test run tml u two jiayou... i will redeem it by making my progrmme nice n listenworthy after the launch on 1st of june ... u guys keep it up... i will support u mentally...hahaha... thx... my dear timothy n ferdi...hahaha... |